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Architecture Culture & History 2
Project 1 (Precedent Studies)
In this first project, students in a group of 6, are to conduct architectural analysis on a selected building that was built by one of the renown architects of the 20th century. The building chosen is the Curutchet House by Le Corbusier.
Project 2 (Web Book)
In the same group of six, we conducted a research to document the architecture of a modern building in Klang Valley. The building we agreed on is Tung Shin Hospital. The web book is the product of all the members contributing in different aspects ande ways.
This webbook is accesible below:

Curutchet House

Introduction and Learning Outcome

Individual Submission
Structure of Curutchet House presented in an A4 paper

Curutchet House

Tung Shin Hospital

Introduction and Learning Outcome

Tung Shin Hospital

Tung Shin Hospital

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